Welcome to our world!

We’re thrilled to have you here. Our blog is more than just a space for us to share our thoughts – it’s an opportunity for us to connect with people like you, to inspire and be inspired, and to spread a message of positivity and possibility.

So, who are we?

We’re a small but mighty family of two: Iryna and Walt. We believe in the power of love, hard work, and making a difference in the world – one clean space at a time.

Our journey began in 2016 when we made the courageous decision to leave our home in Ukraine and start anew in the USA. It was a leap of faith, a fresh start, and a whole new chapter in our “Life Book.”

Now, we call USA our home, where we run our small cleaning business, CleanSquare Cleaning Service LLC. But this website isn’t just about our business – it’s about sharing our experiences, insights, and tips on everything from cleaning and organizing to time management and beyond.

We’re passionate about what we do, and we’re here to share that passion with you. Whether you’re looking for practical advice, inspiration, or just a friendly chat, we’re here to lend an ear and offer a helping hand.

So sit back, relax, and join us on this journey. We can’t wait to get to know you, learn from you, and hopefully, inspire you along the way.

Here’s to new beginnings, endless possibilities, and a world of clean, organized, and happy spaces.

With love,
Iryna & Walt