For many of us, a home greenhouse remains just a dream. Someone complains that there is not enough time to care for houseplants, and someone is not sure that they can do this job at all. Experienced plant growers claim that all this is banal excuses. I’ve included a list of indoor plants best if you are the beginner in this sphere.

Indoor plants are not only able to decorate the house, but also give interest in changing the usual duty to a hobby. If you still hesitate, but really want the home of “green” friends, pay attention to the easiest plants to care for. This, of course, does not mean that they do not need to be watered at all, or that the pot can be pushed behind a cupboard. That means that they will forgive you for mistakes that, naturally, will happen at first.


1. Coleus

Best indoor plant

It has very elegant leaves of various colors: from pale green to purple. At the same time, the marble pattern of leaves, specks on them, and artistic patterns give an exotic look to the Coleus. This plant loves light very much — thanks to it, the leaves will always be bright and dense. Watering should be plentiful, the earth should not dry out.


2. Ficus


Ficus Indoor Plant

This one has a lot of varieties. All ficuses are shade tolerant, do not like direct sunlight. Watering is required moderate, but in the hot season, it is better to water more often.


3. Dracaena


Indoor Plant Dracaena

This plant has a huge number of varieties: from the smallest to giant trees. Often called “False Palm.” This plant does not like the direct sun and excess water in the pot.


4. Grape Ivy


Indoor Grape Ivy Plant


It has two more names: “Cissus” or “Cissus rhombifolia”. The leaves of Cissus resemble a birch, but it belongs to the grape family. This plant needs support so that it can curl over it, or also it can be used as hanging plants. It is best to keep Cissus in partial shade. In the hot seasons to water more and additionally spray with water.


5. Tradescantia


Tradescantia Indoor Plant

The popular name is “Spiderwort”. Hanging plant that needs minimal care: regularly water and remove wilted leaves. Feels great in partial shade. A transplant should not be done more often than once every five years. Spiderwort perfectly moisturizes and purifies the air.


6. Geranium


Indoor Plant Best Geranium

The botanical name is Pelargonium. This plant has dense soft-haired leaves and beautiful flowers of a nice form in a wide variety of colors and shades. Needs plenty of watering during the flowering period, but not spraying, the best place in the house is the window on the sunny side. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, geranium can help its owner succeed, and also it develops a sense of humor and stronger character.


7. Chlorophytum


Potted Spider Plant


Chlorophytum, or also it calls Spider Plant is so unpretentious that it is almost impossible to destroy it. It feels great everywhere: in the shade, in the sun, in warm and cold temperatures. Watering the plant should be infrequent. Leaves can be up to 23 inches long and about 1 wide. They are very beautiful and the color is bright green, sometimes with a white in the middle or yellow trim. Chlorophytum perfectly purifies the air. Transplant the plant every few years. As a result, I would say it’s the best indoor plant to start with.


8. Christmas cactus


Christmas cactus

The name of this plant is due to the fact that its flowering period is December-January. This plant belongs to cacti. The cactus has dense shoots, at the ends of which are flowers bloom. There is a large selection of flowers colors and shapes, so I’m sure you can find a plant for your collection. This houseplant does not like direct sunlight, for example, I put my cactus on a windowsill where is bright sunlight, but it is not direct. Water the plant when the soil is dry to touch, usually, it’s once / week.


9. Monstera



This is a large tropical plant with large dissected leaves, the length of which sometimes reaches more than 11 inches. Actually, this is a liana, therefore, for a plant to take a vertical shape, it needs support. It should be watered infrequently, and the pot should be kept in partial shade. Monstera is interesting in that it can be a personal meteorologist: large drops of water begin to flow from the leaves of this plant a day before the rain begins. This plant can also produce fruits that resemble a pineapple. Monstera perfectly moisturizes the room and produces oxygen. But according to the teachings of Feng Shui, this plant perfectly strengthens the health of its owner and develops intelligence.


10. Sansevieria



This houseplant is better known as “Snake Plant” for its long and sharp leaves, which grow strictly vertically upwards and can reach 3 ft in length. Sansevieria can grow in the sun, in partial shade, and even shade, that makes this plant best between all inoor plants that I mentioned above, for houses where is low or no sunlight. Watering is moderate: in summer more often than in winter.